• 1 in 4 Americans aren't given PTO
  • USA is considered an "at-will" country so there is no national mandate for required days off
  • Montana ranks 46 in America for use of PTO
  • Montana law doesn't even require employees are given breaks

Montanans Suck At Taking Vacation Time

According to US Travel, in 2017 Montanans ranked 46th in the nation for using paid vacation days. 46th. Montanans left almost 2,000 paid PTO hours unused.

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Look, I get it. I started my career in the late 80's. It was considered cool to work yourself ragged with only hopes of someone noticing, and you could have "the good life" too. Greed is good.

keyboard with note saying paid time off

Fast forward nearly 40 years, and uh, yeah. That seems to have gone horribly wrong, for the workers. Pretty great for the companies in America that are afforded the same rights as people.

Vacation Days Are A Real Part Of Your Compensation

A couple of months ago I was talking to someone at work, and I said I was trying to get everyone in my department to take their vacation days before the end of the year (we work for a use it or lose it company) because I feel like not using vacation days was like giving back part of your salary. The look of utter astonishment on their face was all I needed to see to know they did not feel the same. In fact, I don't think they related AT ALL.

Here's How To Make The Most Of EVERY SINGLE PTO Day You Have

Granted, some of these require that you work for a place that gives you national holidays off in addition to your regular PTO.

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The Huffington Post offers this epic PTO hack:

  • Monday, February 17: Take off Friday the 14th and get a 4 day weekend
  • Monday, May 26: Take off Friday, May 23rd and get a 4 day weekend
  • Thursday, June 19: Take off Friday June 20th and get a 4 day weekend
  • Friday, July 4th: Take off either Thursday July 2nd or Monday the 7th and get a 4 day weekend
  • Monday, September 1: Take off Friday, August 29 and get a 4 day weekend
  • Monday, October 13: Take off Friday, October 10 and get a 4 day weekend
  • Tuesday, November 11: Take off Monday November 10 and get a 4 day weekend
  • Thursday November 27: Take off Friday, November 28 and get a 4 day weekend. If Friday is included in your PTO, go wild and take off Monday December 1 and Tuesday December 2nd, and you just scored a week off for 2 vacation days
  • Thursday, December 25: Take off December 22-24 Then December 26, and you just scored 9 days off in a row by using 4 days
vacation days on a calendar

When My Husband Died, I Learned A Hell Of A Life Lesson

Your job will have you replaced before your headstone is finished.

My husband died on a day that he worked 13 hours without a break. That was quite normal back then. He'd get to work around 5am and leave between 2pm and 3pm.

Dave The Morning Guy was replaced THAT WEEK.

Take your PTO.

Sources: Just Works, US Travel, Huffington Post, Montana Department Of Labor and Industry

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