Our Shelby Speech & Drama team has their Divisional Speech & Drama Meet, coming up NEXT Saturday, the 25th. It's going to be an excellent & FUN opportunity for the community, but right now they're in need of judges for the event, NO experience required! Judges training will be next Tuesday night, the 21st, at 7, in the Shelby High School auditorium. In fact, "I" did this a few years back & it was a real blast. If you'd like to be "on the bench on Saturday, the 25th, please contact Coach Rikki Henke, at 450 6388, or Coach Jodi Aklestad, at 460 1004. Then get set for the Shelby Speech & Drama Meet, Saturday, the 25th, at 9 AM in the Shelby High School Auditorium.

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