Jump On The Bus Gus
Our good neighbors, the Conrad Schools, need bus drivers. Federal legislation has implemented new training standards that MUST be met as of February 7th. Here's the deal...as of February 7th, anyone planning to obtain their initial CDL, or upgrade their license, will be required to meet those more stringent training requirements. There'll be numerous hours of both classroom & driver training, & because of a lack of training facilities here in Montana, this will be a costly proposition for anyone getting a new or upgraded CDL in agriculture, trucking or bus driving. Strike now while the iron's hot BEFORE the 7th of next month. Get ready to jump on the bus & contact Jim Carroll, Transportation Director at Conrad High School at 278 3285, or email jim.carrol@conradschools.org soon as you can. If you wait until after the 7th, it's going to take you much longer, cost more bucks & be even more complicated.