Let’s Go “Marketing”
Today (Wednesday) is a good day to start! The Valier Farmers Market fires up this afternoon at 3, & goes until 7 o'clock tonight. They're set up in front of the Panther Cafe, & the weekly Wednesday Valier "markets" will continue through the end of this month. Up in the North Country, the market at Sunburst City Park is underway this morning until 11.. Our Summer Market here in Shelby is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon from 4 until 6, & the Shelby markets will continue every Thursday until the end of September. The Farmers Market at Government Square in Browning also happens tomorrow & every Thursday until the end of October. Browning market hours are 9 to 5. We'll have some more Farmers Markets this weekend in our Golden Triangle, & I'll be blogging about those soon on my Puffman Blogs.