Meet MT’s Visionary Mayor
Willard Edward Fraser, was the mayor of Billings, during the turbulent Vietnam War era, but his reach & impact lay far beyond the borders of the Magic City. Besides that, his father-in-law was the world famous poet Robert Frost! I'll have the fascinating read, "Montana's Visionary Mayor: Willard E. Fraser," the true story of one of Montana's most iconic leaders, up for grabs tomorrow (Sat) morning on Puff Man Sports Trivia. Check the book out from the Montana Historical Society Press in Helena (mhs.mt.gov) & distributed by Far Country Press at www.farcountrypress.com, & then get set to WIN by being the 1st caller in with the answer to my sports trivia question at 7:30. Mayor Fraser served the people & our state with his love, dedication, & panache. The book's a beautiful presentation & a page turner for sure.