MSU-N Chancellor: “This Is a Game-Changer.”
The legislature showed strong support for MSU-Northern by approving $310Million in funding for many of the campus’ deferred maintenance items and funding the second phase of the Aurora Complex. The Aurora Complex is a planned health and recreation building that will bring various state-of-the-art classrooms and student life-enhancing spaces to the campus.
MSU-Northern Chancellor Greg Kegel told KSEN/K96 News that they're still early in the process, and the illustration accompanying this article is a preliminary sketch of what the Aurora Center might look like. Now that funding has been approved, the next step is to hire an architect and engineers to design the building. Features on the "wish list" include state-of-the-art classrooms, workout facilities, a gym, a 350-seat black box theater, and - money permitting - a bowling alley and coffee bar.
The Aurora Center is Phase 2 of the University's Aurora Complex project. Phase 1 was Tilleman Field, which which has been home to the Northern Lights football team since its completion in 2020. The Aurora Center will be built along the south side of the stadium.
In all, House Bill 5 will fund the following deferred maintenance and building projects on the campus of MSU-Northern:
• Vande Bogart Library Roof Replacement - $675,000
• Brockmann Center HVAC Upgrade - $1,907,320
• Campus EMS Building Controls Upgrade Project - $400,000
• Electronics Tech. HVAC & Lighting Upgrade - $800,000
• Pershing Hall Renovation - $2,400,000
• Metals Technology Building Roof Project - $400,000
• Health and Recreation Complex, Operations & Maintenance - $585,240
• Aurora Center – Health and Recreation Complex - $25,000,000