Phillip Aaberg LIVE This Sunday
Our Hi-Line Arts Council invites us to "stream in" this Sunday afternoon at 4, for a very special online Christmas Concert featuring Phillip Aaberg. This will be a LIVE streaming event from "The Bin" recording studio over in Chester. Phil will be performing on the BEAUTIFUL 9' 4" Mason & Hamlin piano. You can join the link, www.hilineartscouncil.org, on Sunday afternoon thanks to the generous sponsors including Northern Montana Healthcare, Bear Paw Development, MSU-Northern, Western Drug Pharmacy, McDonald's of Havre, Gary & Leo's Fresh Foods, BNSF Railway, Debbie Vandeberg, & the Montana Actor's Theatre. I had the opportunity some years back to see Phil's Christmas Concert in Chester, & it was spectacular! How spectacular?... every Christmas around this time, I look back & fondly remembe & recall the concert, & NOW this Sunday, we'll all have the opportunity to experience the musical genius of Phillip Aaberg. I've been looking forward to this Sunday afternoon all this week. Hope you can "stream in" on Sunday at 4.