R U A Snoopy Fan?
I'll have a SPORTS trivia question on Snoopy from Peanuts/Charlie Brown tomorrow (Saturday) morning on Puffman SPORTS Trivia! The first caller in with the correct answer at 7:30, will WIN a really neat book from Laura Vorreyer. The book is "The Pet Sitter's Tale," & from the time Laura was a young girl growing up in Chicago to unintentionally becoming a professional pet sitter on the west coast, "The Pet Sitter's Tale" is her collection of stories about her love affair with pets. "The Pet Sitter's Tale" will amuse anyone who's ever had their heartstrings tugged by a cute pet. It's one beautiful presentation & is Laura's very FIRST book. Be sure & check out "The Pet Sitter's Tale" from AuthorHouse (publisher) at: www.authorhouse.com. See you tomorrow morning at 7:30 on Puffman SPORTS Trivia where the WINNING is only beginning...