Services Monday On The Hi-Line
Canadian Soldier Lt. Col. John McCrae was inspired back in the spring of 1915, to write the powerful poem, "In Flanders Fields," after seeing a war-scarred field of bright red poppies. In his poem, the Lt. Colonel was honoring the lives lost in World War 1, & thus the poppy became a symbol of remembrance within the military community. Memorial Day services will be held this Monday morning at Joplin Cemetery at 10, & Chester Cemetery an hour later at 11. More than 645,000 have lost their lives in service to our country since the first world war. This weekend, we have a real opportunity to remember our military men & women who paid the ultimate price as we pay tribute to the fallen. I'll be keeping you posted & updated on our other Golden Triangle Memorial Day services on the Puff Man Show in the afternoons on KSEN, along with my Puff Man blog.