Shelby Lions Will Host
Our Shelby Lions Club, will be hosting the 3rd Annual Diabetes Awareness Walk, NEXT Sunday, the 17th. Diabetes is on the increase, both nationwide, & here in the Golden Triangle. The Shelby Lions have been working diligently to raise awareness AND funds for scholarships for those affected to attend Montana's ONLY Type 1 Diabetes Camp. The 3rd Annual Diabetes Awareness Walk, will commence next Sunday, the 17th, at the beginning of the Roadrunner Trail, & end up on the City Shop Road. The walk's free, & free-will donations will be more than welcome & appreciated. You can make your donations at the start of the trail, or mail them in to the Shelby Lions Club account at First State Bank, in Shelby, or Shelby Lions Club in care of Alexis Erickson, 320 Main Street, Shelby, MT. 59474. Be sure & look for the balloons out on the trail. T-shirts will be available too.