She's Marilyn "Mitzi" McDowell Stonehocker, & she's all Montanan. Her book is, "Montana Me; Stories from a Life Outdoors, " & I'll have the book up for grabs tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 7:30, on Puff Man Sports Trivia. The woman spent her entire life hunting game, riding horses, & going toe to "booted" toe with the natural world. Sounds like a typical Jerry Puffer, weekend to me. Mitzi's beautiful presentation follows her journey from her time as a young girl learning how to hunt & deal with wildlife encounters, to her reflections in later years on the proper ways to be safe & smart while spending time outdoors. Check out "Montana Me," from Sweetgrass Books at, & be the 1st person with the correct answer to my sports trivia question at Saturday morning at 7:30, & WIN the book. Hopefully, I get the answer right away so I head back into our Golden Triangle outdoors early to start my wild & wooly outdoor weekend...

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