What's going on?

Bundle Up For Sports Thursday!
Bundle Up For Sports Thursday!
Bundle Up For Sports Thursday!
It would be nice if all sports days could be like yesterday, but you know that was the exception rather than the rule the last few years. With highs in the 40s and wind projected for tomorrow's weather, break out your football fan gear to watch sports in Northern Montana...
Have A Good Lamb Recipe?
Have A Good Lamb Recipe?
Have A Good Lamb Recipe?
When my wife and I helped my sister move to England, we inherited many of her uneaten freezer items, including a three pound "lump" of lamb. Perusing the freezer this last weekend, I decided Easter would be a good time to enjoy this lamb, but I've never actually prepared a lamb dish...
Play Ball! (And Run Fast…)
Play Ball! (And Run Fast…)
Play Ball! (And Run Fast…)
Thanks for giving me a few days off! I got a lot of yard work done, but my taxes...let's just say I'm happy we have until the 17th this year! I just wanted to remind you that our softball season gets underway in earnest tomorrow when Conrad comes to Shelby for an Eastern Conference matchup at 4:00...
Help NTCHS Students Win This Competition!
Help NTCHS Students Win This Competition!
Help NTCHS Students Win This Competition!
A couple of students at NTCHS need some help from you and your kids. Act Out Loud is a national organization which promotes the elimination of distracted driving. Two of my students did an FCCLA project to promote the cause, and they are one of the top 25 in the nation (only one from Montana)...
Griz And Cat Fans: Wanna Complain To ESPN?
Avid Grizzly fan Tom Root called me this morning to say he added his voice to the vocal throng who have complained about the inability to watch either Montana or Montana State on television next week. Not only did he complain to ESPN, he also called the FCC to let them know he considers the decision to carry the games on ESPN3 only unfair to us technology-challenged folks in the remote West... Rea
Montana Umpire Working In Pioneer League!
Montana Umpire Working In Pioneer League!
Montana Umpire Working In Pioneer League!
According to the Independent Record in Helena, Hamilton umpire Mike Huus is working Pioneer League baseball games this year, believed to me the first Montana native to work in the longtime Montana based minor league. The Helena Independent Record talked with the University of Montana student during his appearance at this week's Helena Brewers home stand about baseball, and why he writes "Sara
Want To Help The Billings Little League Champs?
The Big Sky Little League has set up a donation fund at First Interstate Bank to help family members of the Big Sky players pay for their trip to Williamsport, Pa., for the Little League World Series. The funds will be equally divided among the families, many of which are taking unpaid leave from their jobs to make the trip...
Hey, Parents: August 7 Is National Kids Day!
There's a Mother's Day and a Father's Day, and there's also a Kids Day! Kids Day was started by a group called Kid's Peace as a way to encourage parents to spend a little more time with kids. Being it's a Sunday, you've got some extra time to spend with your kids, and the website below has ideas to make Kids Day special in your home...
It’s Flitch Day! Do You Get The Bacon?
It’s Flitch Day! Do You Get The Bacon?
It’s Flitch Day! Do You Get The Bacon?
Today is Flitch Day, a really  old English tradition where the monks would give married couples a "flitch" of bacon if they could prove to a jury of single people that the couple had lived the year in harmony and fidelity, and had not wished once that they were still single...
June 20 Is American Eagle Day!
June 20 Is American Eagle Day!
June 20 Is American Eagle Day!
In celebration of our national symbol,  I came across a great website with great photography, collectables, ways to donate to help eagles, and really neat video of a baby eagle in a nest in Tennessee. I want to know who was the brave soul who put that camera up around that nest. That's one big mama bird!  Check out the video after the jump:
Cranky? Why May Surprise You!
This being Monday, I thought this might be an appropriate day to share this information from Yahoo Health. While some of these probably won't surprise you -- your co-workers make you cranky? Who would have thought? -- but a couple might, like room lighting...
Guilty Of Saying Some Of These At Work?
Guilty Of Saying Some Of These At Work?
Guilty Of Saying Some Of These At Work?
I stumbled across this article, one of many that are out there about proper office behavior. Still, it wouldn't surprise me that you have at least one person in your office that says things like these. (Not you, of course.) It's a good refresher course in what shouldn't be said in today's workplace rife with rules and consequences...

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