
Check Out The Latest Snapshot Of Montana’s Agricultural Industry
Check Out The Latest Snapshot Of Montana’s Agricultural Industry
Check Out The Latest Snapshot Of Montana’s Agricultural Industry
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) has unveiled the findings of the 2022 Census of Agriculture, presenting a trove of information comprising over 6 million data points concerning America’s farms and ranches, delineating details down to the county level.
Ag Appreciation Week Begins today
Ag Appreciation Week Begins today
Ag Appreciation Week Begins today
Where does your food come from? If you're like many Americans, the answer is the grocery store. And frankly, that disturbs me. The grocery store isn't where food comes from - it's just from where it's distributed. In reality, far too many people are unaware of the role of American agriculture in their daily lives ...
That’s Amazing!
That’s Amazing!
That’s Amazing!
This video shows off some of the most amazing farming machines in the business: Most amazing and smart farming equipment, modern agriculture equipment, The modern agriculture technology, smart farming technology 2016, here is the best agriculture machine, we are combine such as: watermelon harvesting machine, apple-picking machine, pepper robot harvest, cauliflower harvesting machine, harvesting p
Drone Potential in Agriculture
Drone Potential in Agriculture
Drone Potential in Agriculture
Drones are heavily regulated, but Michigan native Jason Hugo, owner/operator of goFarm LLC, has received an exemption from the FAA, allowing him to fly commercially. Raised on a crop farm in Linwood in Bay County, Hugo is using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and goFarm's technology to measure and identify plant disease, nutrient, and water pressure to create accurate insights farmers can use to i
Farmers Reap Benefits of Driverless Tractor Tech
Farmers Reap Benefits of Driverless Tractor Tech
Farmers Reap Benefits of Driverless Tractor Tech
Farming is big business across America, with more than two million farms covering more than 900 million acres. Many tractors are equipped with technology that companies like Google are planning to put on the road. Adriana Diaz reports from Iowa with the tools of the future farmers are using today...
How Vertical Farms Bring Fresh Food To Booming Cities
How Vertical Farms Bring Fresh Food To Booming Cities
How Vertical Farms Bring Fresh Food To Booming Cities
In Singapore, the challenge of feeding a growing population is pushing the concept of urban farming to new heights. A super-efficient vertical farming system is producing greens for 5 million residents. "Can we supply enough food for everyone on the planet...

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