
The Future of Farming? Smart Technologies
The Future of Farming? Smart Technologies
The Future of Farming? Smart Technologies
Farming has been innovated at several different points and places in human past. Succeeding step-changes in human farming techniques were prompted by the British Agricultural Revolution in the eighteenth century, and the Green Revolution of the second half of the twentieth...
Harvesting Along The Edge
Harvesting Along The Edge
Harvesting Along The Edge
Each year, Slivka Grain & Ag with the help of L. Petersen Farms custom harvesting crew are faced with the task of harvesting wheat and barley, some of which is against 1,000 foot cliffs, to help deliver food to your table.
Mark Jackson: A Personal Story About Farming and the Future of Agriculture
Mark Jackson: A Personal Story About Farming and the Future of Agriculture
Mark Jackson: A Personal Story About Farming and the Future of Agriculture
In 1890, Mark Jackson’s great-great-great-grandfather bought a plot of land in southern Iowa. Five generations later, Mark is still farming that same land but using some very different techniques. In this moving story that crosses generations, Mark shows us both how radically agriculture has changed since that time, and how some things have stayed exactly the same...
Climate Change and Agriculture: America’s Heartland
Climate Change and Agriculture: America’s Heartland
Climate Change and Agriculture: America’s Heartland
Increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will affect food production in the future. Scientists say farmers and ranchers will have to deal with increasing temperatures that can alter crop cycles, droughts, threats of wildfire, and even the production of hydroelectric power for farming needs...
2012 Agriculture Appreciation
2012 Agriculture Appreciation
2012 Agriculture Appreciation
Starting on Monday March 5th we will be featuring a different Agriculture family every day Monday through Friday this month on our website! You will find interesting stories and pictures of how our producers started out, how they got to where they are today, and how they acquired their land...