The Year Is 66 A.D.
B. Michael Antler has just released his new riveting read, "Josephus: A Novel." The book's now been entered into 10 award competitions, & already WON one! The year is 66 A.D., & Nero rules the world as Caesar. Judea is a client state of Rome. Taxes have DOUBLED & the Judeans have refused to pay! The Romans decide to raid the Judean's holy Temple treasury. The Judeans insult & mock the Romans for their avarice & the Romans respond by murdering thousands of Judeans. What comes next changes the course of history. The book includes 30 original illustrations commissioned personally by the author. Why not do some "armchair traveling" back 2000 years & let antiquity come alive as you have never imagined. "Josephus: A Novel" is a compelling page turner of a read for sure. Check it out at: www.JosephusNovel.com.