Tucker Plays The Back 9
Tucker, that beloved Bernese Mountain Dog, has returned to the green & is sharing his wisdom in the book I'll have up for grabs tomorrow (Sat) morning on Puff Man Sports Trivia. The book is, "Tucker Plays the Back Nine," a beautiful presentation from Farcountry Press in Helena. There are 31 all-new illustrations from the renowned & award-winning artist, Theodore Waddell. Check out the "Tucker Plays the Back Nine," at www.farcountry press.com, & then listen to WIN Saturday morning at 7:30, by being the 1st caller in with the correct answer to my sports trivia question. I don't want to give away too much of the book, but allow me to say Tucker's growing older, & his observations have certainly changed. If you ask me, Tucker's a liar! Talk about "Value Plus,"...I'll even throw in a beautiful 2024 Montana Wild Babies! Calendar from Farcountry, with 12 cool pictures of our Montana baby animals taken in the wild.