Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park Sets 20th Annual Science and History Week for October 3-6, 2023
WEST GLACIER, Mont. [September 22, 2023] – Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park is hosting its Annual Science and History Week through a live webinar series offered October 3 to 6 at noon MDT on the Microsoft Teams webinar platform. Parks Canada and the US National Park Service have hosted an annual Science and History event together since 2004.
Participants from around the world will have the opportunity to connect with scientists and subject matter experts as they highlight current natural and cultural research related to Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park and World Heritage Site. Each presentation will give a unique look at our partnerships, insights, and latest findings.
Please join us to learn more about the exciting research initiatives in the world’s first International Peace Park. Participants can register by filling out the online registration forms on the Crown of the Continent Research Learning Center website.
This year’s presenters and topics:
Tuesday, October 3
Grasslands in the Crown of the Continent: 20 Years of Change
Nico Matallana-Mejia, Vegetation Monitoring Program, Glacier National Park; Graduate Degree Program in Ecology, Colorado State University
Wednesday, October 4
Iinnii Initiative: Cultural Adaptations to the Blackfeet Buffalo Program
Termaine Edmo, Climate Change Coordinator, Blackfeet Nation
Thursday, October 5
The Impact of Wildfires on Watersheds
Uldis Silins, Forest Hydrology Professor, University of Alberta
Friday, October 6
Archaeology In Paahtómahksikimi (Waterton Lakes)
Dylan Frank, Cultural Resource Impact Assessment Officer, Waterton Lakes National Park
For more information contact the Crown of the Continent Research Learning Center, Glacier National Park at 406-888-7822, or crownrlc@nps.gov.