What’s Better Than A Rummage Sale?
That's easy...it's a CHRISTMAS rummage sale, a Marias Medical Center Auxiliary Christmas Rummage Sale! The auxiliary will be having theirs THIS Saturday over at St. Luke's Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall. Christmas Rummage Sale hours will be from 9 to noon on Saturday morning. You can drop off holiday & "lightly used" items for donations today (Thursday) & tomorrow (Friday) between 9 & noon. But wait...there's MORE! The Cedar Closet will be having a STOREWIDE 50% off sale on Saturday between 10 & 2. Erin Wanken will be joining be this afternoon at 2:30 on the Puffman Show with all the details on this Saturday Shelby Extravaganza. Who knows, I may ask Erin to sing us a Christmas carol or two for us! You can also call Erin for more information at 434 3271.