300 Festive Facts
Even Christmas can be WEIRD! It's true! Get ready to celebrate our holiday season with wacky facts, stats, tidbits, & traditions about this wonderful time of the year. They're all in the book(s) I have up for grabs tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 7:30 on Puffman Sports Trivia. National Geographic Kids has come out with some books that are more than cool for the Yule, & I'll be giving away TWO copies of "National Geographic Kids Weird but True! There are some 300 festive facts in these little gems to light up your holidays. For instance, did you know that Jingle Bells was the 1st carol played in space? Or that artificial snow can be made out of seaweed? Be the 1st caller in at 7:30 Saturday morning & WIN not one but TWO copies of the book! Talk about cool stocking stuffers! I like it...stocking stuffers from Puffer on Puffman Sports Trivia. I already have a ROYAL sports trivia question lined up on the infamous Kansas City Royals for Saturday morning. See you at 7:30 on Puffman Sports Trivia.