National Sports

Wake & Up & Smell The Coffee!
Wake & Up & Smell The Coffee!
Wake & Up & Smell The Coffee!
Yeah, wake up & smell the coffee! Last Saturday morning, on Puff Man Sports Trivia, I had book #1, of "Stanley; A Prairie Dog's Tale," up for grabs. Tomorrow (Sat) morning, on sports trivia, I'll have book #2, "Stanley's Family, Friend, & Unfriendly Foes." Livin...
A Prairie Dog’s Life On Saturday Sports Trivia
A Prairie Dog’s Life On Saturday Sports Trivia
A Prairie Dog’s Life On Saturday Sports Trivia
Tomorrow (Sat) morning on Puff Man Sports Trivia, heartwarming, whimsical & explosive action adventure in the life of a prairie dog's up for grabs. The book is, "Stanley: A Prairie Dog's Tale," by Livingston's Robert Nehls, with cool illustrations by Robert Rath. Th...
Big Show Big Game Big Sports Trivia Saturday
Big Show Big Game Big Sports Trivia Saturday
Big Show Big Game Big Sports Trivia Saturday
This Saturday morning (tomorrow) on Puff Man Big Sports Trivia, I'll have a real BIG book up for grabs, "Logging for the Company; Marcus Daly & Flume Logging Near Anaconda, 1883-1917. It's from Farcountry Press,, on the fascinating history of flume logging that shaped the Copper City of Anaconda. Au...
What Should A Man Do?
What Should A Man Do?
What Should A Man Do?
What should a man do when the army sends him to help kill his wife's family? Bill Rowland married into the Northern Cheyenne Tribe back in 1850. On November 25, 1876, 5 months to the day after Custer died at the Little Bighorn, Bill found himself riding into the tribe's main winter camp with over a thousand U...
Climate Change & Glacier’s Future
Climate Change & Glacier’s Future
Climate Change & Glacier’s Future
Up for grabs this Saturday morning on Puff Man Sports Trivia, I'll have the REVISED edition of, "Glacier Country; Montana's Glacier National Park." Be the 1st caller in with the correct answer to my sports trivia question at 7:30, & you'll WIN the book & soon be exploring the Crown of the Continent! Glacie...
Oh, Oh, They’re Trying To Steal Me!
Oh, Oh, They’re Trying To Steal Me!
Oh, Oh, They’re Trying To Steal Me!
Tomorrow (Sat) morning, on Puff Man Sports Trivia, I'll have a real page turner up for grabs. The book is, "Horse Capture For Glory; Horse Thievery For Profit...or, A Short History of Fleet Equines in the American West," Michael Bugenstein, has penned the underground history of horse thievery & cowboys in the Wild West, & he has a hit on his hands for sure with this ACTION PACKED
Where Exactly IS This Frisco Town?
Where Exactly IS This Frisco Town?
Where Exactly IS This Frisco Town?
Yeah, yeah, I know the site of today's BIG Bobcat FCS title game's in Texas, but WHERE in Texas? Frisco, is part of the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex (DFW) & about 25 miles from both Dallas Love Field & Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport. We'll ...
Best Of The BEST On Sat Sports Trivia!
Best Of The BEST On Sat Sports Trivia!
Best Of The BEST On Sat Sports Trivia!
This Saturday morning at 7:30, on Puff Man Sports Trivia, I'll the breathtaking book, "The Best of Glacier National Park," up for grabs. Be the 1st caller in with the correct answer to my sports (my middle name) trivia question, & WIN this beautiful presentation from Alan Leftridge. To...
BIG Games BIG Weekend On The Radio
BIG Games BIG Weekend On The Radio
BIG Games BIG Weekend On The Radio
It's going to be an ACTION PACKED weekend right here on KSEN AM 1150. This morning (Sat) kicking off at 10:30, we'll be broadcasting the Los Angeles Chargers @ New England. Don't worry about a thing, when this game's done we'll have more sports FUN at 2:30 this afternoon with Denver at Cincinnati...
Sports Trivia Goes Buggy
Sports Trivia Goes Buggy
Sports Trivia Goes Buggy
The book up for grabs this Saturday morning on Puff Man Sports Trivia is, "Bug Feats of Montana." There's even bugs all over the danged cover, makes a person with an appetite feel queasy. Missoula author Deborah Richie Oberbillig's got the buzz on bugs for sure...
Did He Get A Snack For That?
Did He Get A Snack For That?
Did He Get A Snack For That?
Forget the snack, tomorrow (Sat) morning's winner on Puff Man Sports Trivia, will get a real treat as Puffer, will have a real stocking stuffer for the winner of the sports trivia question. The delightful book up for grabs is, "Do We Get a Snack Snack for That," subtitled, "Tales of Two Mischievous Bassets & a Cat Named Jack." C...
Another Great Stocking Stuffer From Puffer
Another Great Stocking Stuffer From Puffer
Another Great Stocking Stuffer From Puffer
Tomorrow, Saturday morning, on Puff Man Sports Trivia, I'll have a cool book up for grabs for the 1st caller in with the correct answer to my sports trivia question. Children are going to love, "The Spy That Could Fly," by Patricia Osborn, with beautiful illustration from Eric Castleman...

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