Are You Game?
Tomorrow (Sat) morning on Puff Man Sports Trivia, I'll have the party game of "hidden secrets." "Judge Your Friends," up for grabs for the 1st caller in with the correct answer to my sports trivia question. It's one ribald game for sure because you have to be at least 18, or older to bang the gavel (it comes with the game) & find out who your friends REALLY are. Besides the golden gavel, the game comes with guilty & not guilty coasters & cards, not to mention $15,800, in play money. It's a winner because it's a from University Games. Check out Judge Your Friends at ugames.com/judge, & you can be a winner too with the correct answer to my Puff Man Sports Trivia question, 7:30, tomorrow morning on KSEM & K96.Court's adjourned for now...