Behind Every Good Man…
I'm heading back up to the Marias Heritage Center this evening (Tuesday 8/21) at 6 to read more "Montana History" to the Tuesday evening Montana History group of residents. We're starting a new book this evening...soon as we finish the final 5 pages in that lady doctor book. Our new read will be "The Story of Nancy Cooper Russell" with the "main title" "Behind Every Man". And of course that man is/was the famed cowboy artist and Great Falls resident Charlie "I'll-drink-to-that" Russell. Nancy looks like a rather pretty but somewhat stern woman on the cover of my book and I'm anxious to hear the story of old Charlie's better half. I suspect she may have been "the brains of the operation" if you catch my drift. Joan Stauffer is the author and she's performed her one-woman stage presentation of the life and times of Nancy Cooper Russell more than a hundred times before enthusiastic audiences across the country. I hope the Tuesday evening reading group is as enthused about this book from the University of Oklahoma Press as I am. And I think ol' Nancy may turn out to be a pretty okay person despite the stern look. Charlie called her "the best booster and pardner a man ever had". I'm not sure if he uttered these words before OR after he got hit by the frying pan! See you tonight at 6 for Montana History at the beautiful, spacious and AIR CONDITIONED Marias Heritage Center here in Shelby.