Ag Appreciation

Did You Miss Lunch Yesterday?
Did You Miss Lunch Yesterday?
Did You Miss Lunch Yesterday?
If you missed the Lenten Lunch yesterday at the Shelby Methodist Church, don't worry about a thing...there'll be another Lenten Lunch next week. Next Thursday's (3/21) Lenten Lunch, will be a 12t noon, over at Shelby's 1st Baptist Church, 751 Marias Avenue...
MT Scholarship Window To CLOSE
MT Scholarship Window To CLOSE
MT Scholarship Window To CLOSE
At the end of the month, Easter Sunday, the 31st, the application window for Montana Farmers Union scholarships will close. These annual scholarships, ranging from $500, to $1000, are offered through MFU as part of their commitment to education...
Choteau’s Pickin’ & Grinnin’
Choteau’s Pickin’ & Grinnin’
Choteau’s Pickin’ & Grinnin’
The Choteau Senior Center's proud to present one of our all time Montana favorites, Denny Delllwo, tomorrow (Thurs) afternoon. Denny's ready, & he'll be entertaining with his unique blend of folk/old western/classic western songs. The Choteau Senior Center, will come alive tomorrow with the sound of music. Wh...
St. Pat’s Is Where It’s At!
St. Pat’s Is Where It’s At!
St. Pat’s Is Where It’s At!
You'll have fantastic opportunity to enjoy the luck (& food) of the Irish, this Sunday, at St. Francis Church, in Valier. It's their Annual St. Pat's Dinner, from 11:30, until 2. It'll all be on the platter...corn beef & cabbage, roast beef, along with turkey & ALL the trimmings. There'll b...
Meet @ The Methodist
Meet @ The Methodist
Meet @ The Methodist
If you're wondering where Shelby's Lenten Lunch takes place this week, don't worry about a's at the Methodist Church, this Thursday. The food & fellowship commences at High Noon, at the church. Why not drop by as we get ready to celebrate Easter, the 31st of this month. Ha...
Bullshoe Raising $$$ With Spaghetti
Bullshoe Raising $$$ With Spaghetti
Bullshoe Raising $$$ With Spaghetti
The kindergarten students with Sukapi Attendance at Bullshoe Elementary, are having a fundraiser for their field trips on Thursday, the 14th. The fundraiser's at the Bullshoe Elementary Bergan Wing cafeteria, from 4, to 5:30, on Thursday afternoon with a hearty dinner including spaghetti, salad, dessert & drink for $10, a plate or 4, for $35.YOU...
Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Marks Their 32nd!!
Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Marks Their 32nd!!
Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Marks Their 32nd!!
The 32nd Annual Rocky Mountain Foundation Golden Triangle Chapter Banquet's on the way to the Joe Meagher Memorial Civic Center, in Cut Bank, on Saturday night, the 23rd. Doors will open at 5, with dinner at 7, followed by a LIVE auction & games. Ti...
Fish & Grizzlies In Valier
Fish & Grizzlies In Valier
Fish & Grizzlies In Valier
This Thursday evening, there'll be a meeting with representative from Montana FWP, at the Valier High School Multi-purpose room at 6. Katie Vivian will be on hand with information & education pertaining to the Lake Frances Fishery Management, along with fish updates. We...
Luck Of The Irish Comes To Conrad
Luck Of The Irish Comes To Conrad
Luck Of The Irish Comes To Conrad
The Conrad Senior Center's having their 1st Annual "Luck of the Irish" Breakfast Fundraiser, just in time for St. Patty's Day. They'll be "getting their Irish up" on Saturday morn, the 16th, from 9, to 11, with an Irish breakfast of French toast, sausage, bacon, fruit & scones on the platter. Do...
Shelby’s Lenten Lunch (check out the picture)
Shelby’s Lenten Lunch (check out the picture)
Shelby’s Lenten Lunch (check out the picture)
As the Lent season continues, that sandwich in the picture sure looks good. Easter Sunday, this year will be on Sunday, March 31st. Palm Sunday, will be the week before on the 24th. Shelby's Lenten Lunch, this week will be at St. Williams, this Thursday, starting at noon...
This Friday It’s FREE In Conrad
This Friday It’s FREE In Conrad
This Friday It’s FREE In Conrad
The First Presbyterian Church, in Conrad, will be hosting their "First Friday FREE Community Meal," this Friday. The hearty meal will be on the platters from 11:30, to 1, on Friday, at the church, corner of 4th Avenue, & Maryland Street. Ev...
Think Spring Think Glacier Think Hikes
Think Spring Think Glacier Think Hikes
Think Spring Think Glacier Think Hikes
I'll have the "Revised Edition" of "Glacier Day Hikes," by seasonal naturalist, wilderness ranger, & Certified Interpretive Guide trainer, Alan Leftridge, up for grabs tomorrow (Sat) morning at 7:30, on Puff Man Sports Trivia. Glacier Day Hikes, is an all-inclusive guide to 34 of Glacier Park's most spectacular day hikes. It...

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