
34 Left
34 Left
34 Left
34 pages to go...that's all that's left in the LOOOOOOOOOOOONGEST book I've ever read during Montana History up at the Marias Heritage Center here in Shelby!. I'll be there tonight (Tuesday) at 6 o'clock SHARP, & hopefully, we can get at least half through the 34 FINAL pages of former Kalispell Attorney James E. Mu...
Farmers Reap Benefits of Driverless Tractor Tech
Farmers Reap Benefits of Driverless Tractor Tech
Farmers Reap Benefits of Driverless Tractor Tech
Farming is big business across America, with more than two million farms covering more than 900 million acres. Many tractors are equipped with technology that companies like Google are planning to put on the road. Adriana Diaz reports from Iowa with the tools of the future farmers are using today...
Keep On Trucking…& Harvesting
Keep On Trucking…& Harvesting
Keep On Trucking…& Harvesting
I've been anxiously waiting to hear from "Tall" Todd, the custom cutter guy who does his "magic" in our Golden Triangle every harvest season. Todd reports in Denver this week they had some 22 inches of snow with the interstate closed from Denver to Hays, Kansas...
They Make A Positive Difference
They Make A Positive Difference
They Make A Positive Difference
FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth & career success through agricultural education. Our Shelby FFA numbers 80 some members STRONG & includes both high school & junior high students. We're look...
Take The High Road
Take The High Road
Take The High Road
Or ANY other road for that matter besides Coal Mine Road! It's been closed by the Toole County Road Department today (Tuesday) & possibly tomorrow weather permitting. The Coal Mine Road is located just east of the mailboxes near the Aschim Road. I ...
How Does Your Garden Grow?
How Does Your Garden Grow?
How Does Your Garden Grow?
Spring is officially here & the flowers & gardens will be a-blooming! Besides all that, National Agriculture Day will honor Agriculture this month. The theme for National Ag Day this year is "Stewards of a Healthy Plants. Tonight (Monday), our Shelby Community Garden will beholding their annual meeting.Talk ab...
How Vertical Farms Bring Fresh Food To Booming Cities
How Vertical Farms Bring Fresh Food To Booming Cities
How Vertical Farms Bring Fresh Food To Booming Cities
In Singapore, the challenge of feeding a growing population is pushing the concept of urban farming to new heights. A super-efficient vertical farming system is producing greens for 5 million residents. "Can we supply enough food for everyone on the planet...
Rust Never Sleeps & Neither Do I
Rust Never Sleeps & Neither Do I
Rust Never Sleeps & Neither Do I
I blogged on "Wheat rust" on a previous Puffman Blog as we continue to celebration Ag Appreciation Month here in our Golden Triangle, & I mentioned recently, that the more mature winter wheat where our friend Todd, the custom cutter is cutting this month down in Texas, has significant rust problems; thought to be stem rust instead of stripe rust, but yet, nobody seems to know for sur
Sheldon Scores Again
Sheldon Scores Again
Sheldon Scores Again
Earlier this morning, I blogged on "Feet." Now, allow me to submit that moss doesn't grow under Conrad, Montana sculptor, author & celebrity Dale's Sheldon's feet. "Dangerous" Dale's signature bronze, "Paco", has been selected for inclusion in Paris Gibson Square's 19th Annual Art Auction down in the "Electricity City." ...

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