Celebrity News

Shot In Montana
Shot In Montana
Shot In Montana
"Shot In Montana; A History of Big Sky Cinema" is the title of this beautiful "coffee table presentation from Riverbend Publishing down in Helena. Being the "Stage Door Johnny" that I am, I'll be talking with the author of this fantastic read this afternoon (Monday) at 4:35 on the Puffman Show...
Lessons From The Sex Mom
Lessons From The Sex Mom
Lessons From The Sex Mom
Don't blame me! It's in the hardback book I'll be giving away tomorrow (Saturday) morning on Puffman Sports Trivia. The book is, "The Secrets of Happy Families: Improve Your Mornings, Rethink Family Dinner, Fight Smarter, Go Out & Play, & Much More." I'm s...
Take My Wife…PLEASE
Take My Wife…PLEASE
Take My Wife…PLEASE
It's Jewish humor at its finest, & tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 7:30 on Puffman Sports Trivia, the book, "Let There Be Laughter" by Michael Krasny is up for grabs. This new hardback from William Morrow; An Imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers, contains more than 100 of the funniest Jewish jokes of all times. I'...
Dough Cee Dough
Dough Cee Dough
Dough Cee Dough
Get ready to SWING your partners, partner! Western Dance lessons are going to be offered EVERY Thursday during the month of February. You can be cutting the rug & tripping the light fantastic next month every Thursday night from 7 until 8:30! Pl...
Expect The Extraordinary
Expect The Extraordinary
Expect The Extraordinary
ESPECIALLY Saturday mornings when I'm in charge of the 7:30 sports broadcast on our radiator stations! Tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 7:30 on Puffman Sports Trivia, the book, "Expect the Extraordinary: Angelic Messages, Spiritual Encounters and the Soul of the Skye," by Sue Pighini is up for grabs...
Say Cheese
Say Cheese
Say Cheese
WHO would ever do a book on "CHEESE?" Meet Vermont Professor Catherine Donnelly. She's a professor of Nutrition & Food Science, & the new book that the Prof edited is, "The Oxford Companion to Cheese." This "cheesy" book includes more than 850 entries covering cheese varieties, ancient cheese making traditions, cheese shops & cultural influences like chees
What Do U Do When The Shooting Starts?
What Do U Do When The Shooting Starts?
What Do U Do When The Shooting Starts?
Go out & buy a gun I guess. At least that's what author Chris Bird brags in his newest book. "Surviving a Mass Killer Rampage: When Seconds Count, Police Are Still Minutes Away." "Gunsmoke" Chris is also the author of "Thank God I Had A Gun: The Concealed Handgun Manual," & his new book is up for grabs tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 7:30 on Puffman Sports Triv
Only 90 Years YOUNG
Only 90 Years YOUNG
Only 90 Years YOUNG
How about Shelby's Myrtle Miller Meyer...They're having a 90th Birthday CELEBRATION for her this Saturday afternoon over at the Shelby Senior Center. It's the best kind of birthday too with the best kind of grub...a POTLUCK dinner for Myrtle...
I Can’t Believe It’s Butter
I Can’t Believe It’s Butter
I Can’t Believe It’s Butter
I knew a woman named "Butter" years back but Elaine Khosrova's new tome has nothing to do with this woman. Elaine's book IS "Butter: A Rich History," & with the narrative flair of Mark Kurlansky & the culinary curiosity of Michael Pollan, Elaine tells the RICH story of one of our most unassuming ingredients. Did yo...
Take R Mayor’s Advice
Take R Mayor’s Advice
Take R Mayor’s Advice
"Mare Lare" often says, "Run to the roundhouse," & I say, "When you do, take along Brian Solomon's "Field Guide To Trains; Locomotives and Rolling Stock." My friend, Brian, is one of today's most accomplished railway historians. The man has authored more than 30 books about railroads & locomotive Power, & his writing & photography have been featur
My Body Forms A Plank
My Body Forms A Plank
My Body Forms A Plank
It says that right here in the book & the book is, "The ABC's of Yoga for Kids," & this colorful, informative presentation is up for grabs tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 7:30 on Puffman Sports Triva! "The ABC's of Yoga for Kids" was written by Teresa Anne Power & beautifully illustrated by Kathleen Rietz. No doubt a...
1 More Chance
1 More Chance
1 More Chance
Tomorrow (Saturday,) Christmas Eve Day, will be your LAST chance to get your Christmas gifts all wrapped by our Shelby Girl Scouts. The "girls" have been manning a booth out at the Shopko store most of this month, & they'll be "ON DUTY" one more day for the last minute gift shoppers. Th...

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