
He Lives In Bozeman
He Lives In Bozeman
He Lives In Bozeman
He's Mark Sullivan & Mark's new novel, "Outlaw" is out this week! Mark is a #1 New York Times bestselling author with 8 thrillers, including "Private Games" which he co-wrote with James Patterson, under is belt. Mark's books feature professional thief, Robin Monarch, & are a combination of "Robert Ludlum & Mission Impossible". In "Outlaw...
Sheenhans Now A Ronan
Sheenhans Now A Ronan
Sheenhans Now A Ronan
Well, it finally happened. That "Girl from the Gulches" got married last week while we were reading "Girl from the Gulches; The Story of Mary Ronan" up at the Marias Heritage Center here in Shelby during our Tuesday evening "Montana History"...
Sentencing Today
Sentencing Today
Sentencing Today
A 25-year-old woman from the Crow Indian Reservation is to be sentenced in federal court today for killing her 3-year-old daughter by throwing her out of a fast-moving vehicle. Mary Agnes Leider pleaded guilty to second-degree murder and could face more than two decades in prison...
He Is A Thief
He Is A Thief
He Is A Thief
The only person who stands a chance of unraveling & stopping a world-altering conspiracy is Robin Monarch. He's the best at what he is, & what he is is a THIEF! It's all in this compelling, page-turning blend of spy & caper fiction: It's Robin Hood for the 21st century. It's Mark ...
How Was It Possible
How Was It Possible
How Was It Possible
How was it possible that Karl & Ilse Koch, a seemingly ordinary couple who ran Nazi Germany's infamous concentration camp, could have been loving parents while brutalizing prisoners & committing some of the worst atrocities known to mankind. The SE...
Sports And Gambling
Sports And Gambling
Sports And Gambling
Sports & gambling are 2 of America's favorite pastimes. When combined they create a volatile cocktail! The new book that I'll be giving away tomorrow morning (Saturday) on Puffman Sports Trivia at 7:30 provides the intimate details of those who have thrown games for the benefit of gamblers-& why the sports leagues have covered-up these incidents. "Larce...
Whatever Happened To Jimmy Hoffa
Whatever Happened To Jimmy Hoffa
Whatever Happened To Jimmy Hoffa
I think I now know the answer after reading award-winning investigative journalist & author Matt Birkbeck's new book, "The Quiet Don; The Untold Story of Mafia Kingpin Russell Bufalino. Secretive-even reclusive-Rosario "Russell" Bufalino quietly built his organized crime empire in the decades between Prohibition & the Carter presidency. His re...
Montana College on Lockdown During Search for Idaho Fugitive
Montana College on Lockdown During Search for Idaho Fugitive
Montana College on Lockdown During Search for Idaho Fugitive
BILLINGS, Mont. (AP) — Law enforcement officers in southeastern Montana continued searching Wednesday for a 36-year-old Idaho man suspected in a carjacking. The Billings Gazette reports Little Big Horn College in Crow Agency was on lockdown Wednesday afternoon after Rodney Seiber of Nampa was believed spotted on the Crow Indian Reservation...
Secret Life of Jodi Arias
Secret Life of Jodi Arias
Secret Life of Jodi Arias
Well, blow me over with a feather...I didn't think there WERE any secrets after the wall-to-wall coverage on the Jodi Arias trial but I guess HLN's Jane Velez-Mitchell thinks there is...she's one of the hysterical HLN TV women & she's come out (& I mean that in a nice way!) with ...
Human-Skin Lampshades
Human-Skin Lampshades
Human-Skin Lampshades
It's a "grizzly" read for's "The Beasts of Buchenwald: Human-Skin Lampshades, & The War-Crimes Trial Of The Century", Outstanding author, Flint Whitlock, who wrote " Buchenwald: Hell on a Hilltop", will be joining me this afternoon (Monday) at 4:45 to talk about his "Must-read" for anyone who doesn't believe in monsters! Ho...
A Mattress In The Subway
A Mattress In The Subway
A Mattress In The Subway
The Gabby Cabby, aka, the Wacky Hacky, aka Peter Franklin, will be joining me this afternoon (Thursday) at a quarter to 5 & Pete has some great True Tales. One involves how you move/transport a mattress in the "Big City". The Gab Man says that's it's easier to move a mattress on the subway system as opposed to paying for a U-Haul truck...p...
The 1st Baseball Game
The 1st Baseball Game
The 1st Baseball Game
I'll be shouting out a sports trivia question tomorrow morning, Saturday, at 7:30 on Puffman Sports Trivia about the 1st major league baseball game that was actually TELEVISED!! Whoa! This wasway back in 1939! The 1st caller in with the correct answer to my sports trivia question tomorrow morning WINS the book, "Waiting for an Army to Die: The Tragedy of Agent Orange" penned by Fred A...

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