Gabby Cabby

He’s In China Now
He’s In China Now
He’s In China Now
The Gabby Cabby, Peter Franklin, tells me that his "Joke Du Jour" (his smiler) is NOW the most accessed feature in the People's Republic of China. The Gab Man is actually ON THE RADIO in China too. I feel sorry for the Chinese...I can't understand Pete half the time here...
KIck Back Today
KIck Back Today
KIck Back Today
Today, Thursday, August 15th, is NATIONAL RELAXATION DAY. Ganit Kriel (can we trust a fellow named GANIT!), a licensed acupuncturist out in California (where else!) is urging us to utilize today to reduce our stress. That is one tall order for me, the Puffman, because I'll be talking with the Gabby Cabby later this afternoon...
She’s My Favorite Actress
She’s My Favorite Actress
She’s My Favorite Actress
I've got Jennifer Anniston on my mind this morning & my friend, Peter Franklin-The Gabby Cabby, will be talking about Jennifer this afternoon (Thursday) when he visits the Puffman Show during the 4 o'clock hour. The Gab Man has a ton of his "True Tales" to share with out listeners, although at this point in time, I think the Jennifer Anniston story is probably the most important one!
Traffic Summons For Bike Riders
Traffic Summons For Bike Riders
Traffic Summons For Bike Riders
That's what's the NYPD is up to these days according to my friend, Pete Franklin, The Gabby Cabby. The Gab Man will be joining me long distance LIVE from New York City on the Puffman Show this afternoon (Wednesday) at 4:45. I'm not sure where Pete lives in that "Big City" with all  the tall buildings, elevators, & subways, but I CAN tell you that it's NOT on Manhattan's Upper East Si
The Flick’s On The Roof
The Flick’s On The Roof
The Flick’s On The Roof
Movies on the roof sound more funner than "drinks on the house".That's what they're doing this summer back east in New York City, according to Peter Franklin, The Gabby Cabby. I'm going to be chewing the fat with Ol' Pete this afternoon (Wednesday) at 4:45 on the Puffman Show...
I’m Buying A New Vehicle
I’m Buying A New Vehicle
I’m Buying A New Vehicle
My friend, Peter Franklin, the Gabby Cabby, tells me for that for the 1st time in the history of humankind, each & every person on the face of this Earth can own their very own FULL SIZE actual New York City Taxi Cab!  I'm going to get all the details when I have the Gab Man on my program this afternoon (Thursday) at 4:45. I ...
Shark Soup For Lunch
Shark Soup For Lunch
Shark Soup For Lunch
That's one of the things that the Gabby Cabby, Peter Franklin-the New York City cab driver from the streets of New York will be gabbing about this afternoon (Thursday) when he joins me on the Puffman Show at 4:30. Pete says the shark's biggest threa these days is driven by the global demand for shark fin soup, an Asian delicacy sold even here in the U...
Gabby’s A Regular Dagwood
I get the feeling that the Gabby Cabby enjoys sandwiches as much, or even more so, than the infamous Dagwood Bumstead. Pete's upset with a Subway Sandwich joint in New York City...he found out their "Footlongs" only measured 11 inches!  Peter Franklin will be joining me this afternoon (Thursday) around a quarter to 5 on the Puffman Program with more wacky tales direct from the streets of
Speaking Of Guns
Speaking Of Guns
Speaking Of Guns
A fellow who's never shy about "SHOOTING" off his mouth, Peter Franklin-The Gabby-Cabby will be joining me from the streets of New York this afternoon (Thursday) around 4:40 on the Puffman Program. Pete always has some great LARGER-Than-Life True Tales from the Big Apple & some strong opinions. Sp...
Gab Man Running Credit Checks
Gab Man Running Credit Checks
Gab Man Running Credit Checks
Looking over the latest True Tales from the Gabby Cabby, (they're on the web at:, Peter Franklin, the Gabby Cabby, the driver of the yellow mobile conveyance writes, "I run a credit check on everyone getting into the taxi & that is no joke! Th...
A Whale Of A Tale
A Whale Of A Tale
A Whale Of A Tale
Actually it's a WHALE of a True Tale from the Gab Man, Peter Franklin-the Gabby Cabby. Pete will be joining me tomorrow (Saturday) morning around 9:30 for our 1st broadcast of the new year. I haven't called Pete lately, it seems like (1) I upset him or (2) he upsets me whenever we talk...
A Sad Christmas
A Sad Christmas
A Sad Christmas
Peter Franklin, the New York City Gabby Cabby joins me this afternoon (Tuesday) around 4:40 on the Puffman Show to share a rather poignant Christmas story. I don't want to give away too much on my blog & spoil it for you this afternoon, but suffice to say, you'll hear how Pete & his family were invited one long ago Christmas day to dinner with some friends & how the friends never fed t

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