National News

They’ll Be Raising Old Glory
They’ll Be Raising Old Glory
They’ll Be Raising Old Glory
There'll be a Flag Raising Ceremony & Breakfast on Tuesday morning,, the 4th of July, hosted by the Sunburst American Vets. The The ceremony's at 8, with a FREE pancake breakfast to follow at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, at 915 Westwood Avenue....
34 Of The Best On Sports Trivia Saturday
34 Of The Best On Sports Trivia Saturday
34 Of The Best On Sports Trivia Saturday
I'll have the beautiful new REVISED edition of "Glacier Day Hikes," up for grabs Saturday (tomorrow) morning on Puff Man Sports Trivia. Author Alan Leftridge, has put together an all-inclusive guide to 34, of Glacier Park's most spectacular day hikes including 186 black-and-white photographs, 38 detailed maps, simple directions to the trailhead along with info on level of difficulty, dis
What Exactly IS Juneteenth?
What Exactly IS Juneteenth?
What Exactly IS Juneteenth?
Today, Monday, the 19th, is Juneteenth. Juneteenth's also known as Freedom Day, or Emancipation Day. This day commemorates the announcement of the abolition of slavery down in Texas, on June 19, 1865. It actually came more than 2 years AFTER the Emancipation Proclamation, issued by President Abraham Lincoln, on January 1, 1863...
Frauds Scams & Elder Abuse In CB!
Frauds Scams & Elder Abuse In CB!
Frauds Scams & Elder Abuse In CB!
Our good neighbors at Stockman Bank, are sponsoring a lunch tomorrow (Thurs) at noon over at the Cut Bank Senior Center. Law enforcement will be in attendance & available at the lunch to discuss fraud, scams & elder abuse. The lunch is FREE, but you'll need to "reserve your lunch of burgers & waffles fries BEFORE tomorrow (Thurs) morning. Please cal...
Annie Oakley’s Alive & Well @ St. Lukes
Annie Oakley’s Alive & Well @ St. Lukes
Annie Oakley’s Alive & Well @ St. Lukes
Well, sort of anyway...the Toole County Friends of the Library are inviting us to St. Luke's Lutheran Parish Hall, to visit with the old gal, next Thursday night, the 22nd, at 6:30. Cheryl Heser, of Forsyth, will host a FUN half hour of living history as Annie (Cheryl) shares a unique part of our American history, along with her views on strong women, Buffalo Cody, & other colorful characters
This Trail Was Splendid
This Trail Was Splendid
This Trail Was Splendid
And, the book is Too! Tomorrow (Sat) morning on Puff Man Sports Trivia, I'll have Kenneth D. Swan's riveting read, "Splendid Was The Trail," up for grabs for the 1st caller with the correct answer to my sports trivia question .Ranger Swan's career with the U...
Memorial For The Chief In Browning
Memorial For The Chief In Browning
Memorial For The Chief In Browning
The public's invited to the Chief Earl Old Person Memorial Highway Dedication, scheduled for Thursday morning, July 6th. Memorial Highway Dedication will be over at the Glacier Peaks Hotel parking lot, & will commence with a prayer service at 10:30. Th...
13,000 Thousand Collections
13,000 Thousand Collections
13,000 Thousand Collections
Each & every day, our American Red Cross needs to collect around 13,000, blood donations nationwide in order to meet the needs of patients at some 2500, hospitals & transfusion centers here in Montana, & around the country. Conrad Mission Church has\ come to the rescue! They've sc...

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