
It’s The Law
It’s The Law
It’s The Law
I would like to blog today on parking on public property & public right of ways here in Shelby. I've done some research on Ordinance #755, pertaining to our Shelby Main Street to get a clear understanding of THE LAW! The ordinance reads: It is unlawful for the owner or operator of ANY motor vehicle to park or leave the same at any point or place on Main between 1st & 5th Avenue for a perio
Never Too Cold For Council
Never Too Cold For Council
Never Too Cold For Council
Our Shelby City Council operates similar to the dependable mailman...rain, hail, sleet, snow, etc! Council meets tonight (Monday) at 7:30 SHARP up at Shelby City Hall. On tonight's agenda will be the Bi-Weekly Payroll Report from December & the Annual Financial Report pertaining to the Fire Department Relief Association. Sp...
A Radical Sabbatical
A Radical Sabbatical
A Radical Sabbatical
It's a hilarious journey from a stifling rut to a life without boundaries...It's "Radical Sabbatical", & it's the new book that's up for grabs tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 7:30 on Puffman SPORTS Trivia. Glen Tibaldeo & Laura Berger have come up with a real laugh riot & Doua Moua, the actor who appeared in Gran Torino, blasts, "It's a couple's Eat Pray Love meets The Ha
Thank You For Your Service
Thank You For Your Service
Thank You For Your Service
There will be a Retirement Open House tomorrow afternoon (Wednesday) for Sandra Peers, Jewel Moritz, Ben Ober, & Judge Sherrie Murphy & you're all invited. Tomorrow's Retirement Open House will be up at the Toole County Courthouse from 3 o'clock until 4:30. I'd be...
Times They Are A Changin
Times They Are A Changin
Times They Are A Changin
Thursday is the beginning of a brand new year, & CHANGE is coming! The Driver License Bureau services down in Choteau will be "Switched" to the 1st, 2nd & 3rd Tuesday of each month. This, of course, goes until we are otherwise notified. If you...
No Winner Saturday
No Winner Saturday
No Winner Saturday
I didn't have a winner on Puffman Sports Trivia Saturday morning so there's another chance for you to win the book, "Logan: The Honorable Life and Scandalous Death of a Western Lawman" by Jackie Boor. It's a riveting read from Cable Publishing, & as an astute Nevada Historian says, "Nevada history at its best!" I...
I Simply Forgot
I Simply Forgot
I Simply Forgot
The ol' Puffman's memory doesn't seem to be what it was once...I simply FORGOT to call the Gabby Cabby this week & ask him to recount & share his infamous Christmas story of when years back he was driving in the dead & cold of night in rural backwoods eastern Pennsylvania on Christmas Eve & there were NO places to stop & eat in order that the Gab Man's family could enjoy a warm
Boor Is Certainly No Bore
Boor Is Certainly No Bore
Boor Is Certainly No Bore
Jackie Boor is one of our GREAT author's, & her tome, "Logan: The Honorable Life and Scandalous Death of a Western Lawman" is "Nevada history at it's best" according to acclaimed Nevada Historian Guy Roocha. Dressed only in a nightshirt & unarmed, Sheriff Thomas Logan lay bleeding outside the Jewel, a house of questionable reputation, although after reading the book, I
Alcohol Sales Closure
Alcohol Sales Closure
Alcohol Sales Closure
Pursuant to the Blackfeet Tribal Liquor Ordinance, ALL licensed retail establishments conducting business on the Blackfeet Reservation remain prohibited from selling alcohol until 6 o'clock this evening (Christmas day). This Alcohol Sales Closure has been in effect since 6 o'clock last night, Christmas Eve...
Was It A Hoax
Was It A Hoax
Was It A Hoax
WAS it a hoax or can the dead truly speak AND kill? The answer is in this potboiler of a new novel that I'll be giving away this afternoon (Monday) at 4:35 on Puffman Musical Trivia. The book is Alan Finn's "Things Half In Shadow", a masterful blend of history, romance, & a classic ghost story that pulls you in from the 1st line & keeps you riveted to the page. Acclai... Read Mor
Best Wishes To Barrister Beatty
Best Wishes To Barrister Beatty
Best Wishes To Barrister Beatty
Shelby attorney Richard Beatty of the Beatty Law Firm is retiring, & there's going to be a Retirement Celebration for Barrister Beatty this afternoon (Thursday) from 3 until 5 at his office down on Main Street. You're cordially invited to stop by today between 3 & 5 & the community minded Richard Beatty well & thank him for all his years of service AND commitment to our Golden Tria
Montana History At The Heritage
Montana History At The Heritage
Montana History At The Heritage
I'm looking forward to reading more Montana History tonight (Tuesday) up at the Marias Heritage Center here in Shelby. We are in the process of winding down a tremendous book, "Empty Mansions", & it's one of those books that are so compelling, one hates to see it coming to an end. No...

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