World News

Secrets? You Bet
Secrets? You Bet
Secrets? You Bet
Most of us assume that corporate espionage & digital theft of trade secrets rarely occur outside of technology, retail, & finance. But as the recent hacking of the Houston Astros' internal computer network...allegedly by St. Louis Cardinals employee...prove...
They Waited Until The War Was Over
They Waited Until The War Was Over
They Waited Until The War Was Over
I've come up with a Puffman Sports Trivia question for tomorrow (Saturday) morning on a couple of winning big league pitchers from years gone by AFTER World War 11, the Big One! I hope you can join me at 7:30 for a chance to WIN Dick Flavin's "Red Sox Rhymes; Verses and Curses...
Staying in NYC For $22 A Night
Staying in NYC For $22 A Night
Staying in NYC For $22 A Night
I read that travelers can go to New York City, & for $22 a night, can stay/sleep in a parked van for $22 a night! You get a spectacular view of the Manhattan skyline from across the East River in Queens. In fact, 1 couple rented a converted TAXI CAB for 1 night with their dog! Th...
We Are All Actors
We Are All Actors
We Are All Actors
Yeah, we're all actors & being a citizen is not living in society, it's changing it! That's what Augusto Boal says anyway. I'm not sure WHO Augusto Boal is, but I suspect that he may be from Augusta! At any rate, we are all born with the power to imagine what does not yet exist. On...
Verses & Curses
Verses & Curses
Verses & Curses
"Red Sox Rhymes; Verses & Curses" is back tomorrow (Saturday) morning on Puffman Sports Trivia. Yup...I've got another copy of Dick Flavin's "Red Sox Rhymes; Verses & Curses" up for grabs tomorrow morning at 7:30 for the 1st caller in with the correct answer to my Puffman Sports Trivia question. As a b...
Lies Deceptions Hyprocrisies
Lies Deceptions Hyprocrisies
Lies Deceptions Hyprocrisies
It'll hit you like a knuckle sandwich & an 80 car freight train coming at you at 90 miles per hour! It's professional engineer Mehdi Sarram's controversial, compelling, & timely expose of the nuclear programs of 7 critical nation states. His b...
Most Rainfall Since May
Most Rainfall Since May
Most Rainfall Since May
The Precipitation Report from the Knees area is in & shows  the most 24 hour rainfall since May 17th when .88 of an inch was recorded. So far this year, January recorded .64, February .18, March .33, April .24, MAY 2.67, June .40, & July (as of the 27th) .89. Tha...
I Went Viral
I Went Viral
I Went Viral
Yesterday (Monday), in my blog on our custom cutters, I mentioned "stripper headers" & ended up receiving numerous responses. I figure, as the younger generation says, "I must have done gone "VIRAL" on this deal! So today, I am blogging on stripper headers. Th...
Cutting Soon In Conrad
Cutting Soon In Conrad
Cutting Soon In Conrad
That's what Tall Todd, the custom harvester guy, says. Our favorite custom cutter is still stuck southeast of Denver. Rain & high humidity have been tightening their jaws, but the men are beginning to see the light at the end of the south 40. T...
You’ll Love This Book
You’ll Love This Book
You’ll Love This Book
I'll be giving away another copy of "Red Sox Rhymes; Verses & Curses" tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 7:30 on Puffman SPORTS Trivia. Boston Red Sox Poet Laureate Dick Flavin put together this collection of 64 humorous & nostalgic poems celebrating the Boston Red Sox & it's a "Keeper." A commonw...
Israeli Ambassador Ron Dermer Speaks Out About Recent Iran Nuclear Deal [VIDEO]
Israeli Ambassador Ron Dermer Speaks Out About Recent Iran Nuclear Deal [VIDEO]
Israeli Ambassador Ron Dermer Speaks Out About Recent Iran Nuclear Deal [VIDEO]
Earlier this week, the United States, Iran and five other world powers came to an agreement about Iran's nuclear program. One of the biggest critics of the agreement is Israel, particularly Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Israel's Ambassador to the United States, Ron Dermer, discussed the issues that most concern Israel in an interview.
A Visit From The Gab Man
A Visit From The Gab Man
A Visit From The Gab Man
I'm going to put through a long distance phone call to that zany New York City cabdriver, Peter Franklin, the Gabby Cabby, this afternoon (Tuesday) at 4:35 on the Puffman Show. The Driver of the Yellow Mobile Conveyance Lounge has a ton of True Tales on his website: gabby...

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