World News

U Have 1 More Chance Today
U Have 1 More Chance Today
U Have 1 More Chance Today
If you couldn't make it yesterday (Wednesday) to visit with the service officer for the Veterans Affairs Division when the officer was up here in Shelby & Cut Bank, you have 1 more shot at it this morning (Thursday.) Browning is the place this morning from 9 to 11 o'clock at the Eagle Shield Building. If...
A Day Of Sadness
A Day Of Sadness
A Day Of Sadness
As Good Friday is a day of Easter is a day rejoicing...& thus, Earth's saddest & gladdest days are but ONE day apart. There will be an Easter Vigil tonight (Saturday) at St. Michael's Catholic Church in Conrad at 9 o'clock & they'll be having Easter Sunday services tomorrow morning at 8. Here in Sh...
I’m Waffling Today
I’m Waffling Today
I’m Waffling Today
Today, Wednesday, March 25th, is officially WAFFLE Day. In fact, the good ol' waffle is such a popular world-wide phenomenon that they merit 2 days in our calendar to celebrate them. Waffle Day began in Sweden as Vaffeldagen due to confusion between the Swedish "varfrudagen" meaning "Our Lady's Day" which falls on the same date...
Not One Size Fits All
Not One Size Fits All
Not One Size Fits All
I'm not blogging about shoes either! I'm all excited about the NEW "Communication book"'s a neat presentation by John Jackson & Lorraine Bosse-Smith that allows readers to discover their unique style & learn how to share their ideas more effectively to improve their relationships & enhance their professional success. I'm all fo...
Coasting To Costa Rica
Coasting To Costa Rica
Coasting To Costa Rica
Get ready for spaghetti! There's going to be a Costa Rica Spaghetti Dinner AND Student Labor Auction tomorrow (Thursday) evening up at the Sunburst Elementary School. The spaghetti dinner's at 5:30 & the Auction Action follows at 6:30. You're invited to come out & support all the students heading to Costa Rica for their science studies. Tons o...
A High For Low
A High For Low
A High For Low
It was back on March 12th in 1912, that the Juliette Gordon Low down in Savannah, Georgia founded the 1st American troop of the Girl Guides & that's how the Girl Scouts of the USA had its humble beginnings. I seem to recall buying some cookies from her years back! Th...
Who Does The Government Call
Who Does The Government Call
Who Does The Government Call
Who does the U.S. government call upon when a mission requires perfect stealth, execution, & discretion? Not me, I'm still struggling with the basketball brackets! From the 2 bestselling masters of action & political intrigue, James Rollins & Grant Blackwood, comes the 1st in a groundbreaking new series, featuring Captain Tucker Wayne & his stalwart military dog, Kane, both ripped
No Winner
No Winner
No Winner
I'm a little bit crestfallen this morning because I didn't get a correct answer on my Puffman Sports Trivia Saturday morning. That's what I get for asking a sports trivia question about a Chinese NBA player! I'm going to again put the book, "Time Killer" by Todd M...
I Like Chinese
I Like Chinese
I Like Chinese
I have a "Chinese" Sports Trivia question lined up for tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 7:30 for Puffman Sports Trivia. I'm not even sure how to pronounce the guy's name but that's never stopped me before. If the sports brackets don't scare me, I'm not afraid of anything...
Praise For Predator
Praise For Predator
Praise For Predator
There's tons of advance praise for the new book, "Predator; The Secret Origins Of The Drone Revolution" by Richard Whittle & this riveting read is the PRIZE tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 7:30 on Puffman Sports Trivia! Former National Security Council counterterrorism director Richard A. Cl...
You’re Killing Me
You’re Killing Me
You’re Killing Me
At least someone is killing someone in the hardback book that's up for grabs this afternoon (Monday) on Puffman Musical Trivia. This is a GOOD one...New York Times Bestselling author James Rollins along with Grant Blackwood have put together "The KILL SWITCH," a Tucker Wayne novel...
Holy Cow
Holy Cow
Holy Cow
Or should I say, "Holy War!" Expert philosopher & author, Vel Nirtist, writes all about it in his tome, The Pitfall Of Truth; Holy War, Its Rationale And Folly." Philosopher Nirtist says to win the war on terror, it is vital to understand the terrorist mind & finally we can. "The P...

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