At least someone is killing someone in the hardback book that's up for grabs this afternoon (Monday) on Puffman Musical Trivia. This is a GOOD one...New York Times Bestselling author James Rollins along with Grant Blackwood have put together "The KILL SWITCH," a Tucker Wayne novel. Publishers Weekly blasts that this spin-off from bestseller Rollin's Sigma Force series introduces U.S. Army Ranger Tucker Wayne & his 4-footed partner, a small Belgian shepherd. The action careens across Russia & into South Africa, where Tucker & Kane must go underground to find a deadly life form. Rollins & Blackwood succeed brilliantly & the 1st caller in this afternoon at 4:35 who succeeds in answering my Puffman Musical Trivia questions WINS this riveting read from William Morrow; An Imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers. Check it out at: & then listen to win at 4:35 this afternoon on Puffman Musical Trivia. I've succeeded in coming up with a musical trivia question about an infamous musical group from the 50's who signed their Atlantic Records contract on this date back in 1956. See you later today on Puffman Musical Trivia!

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