Color Your Own Dinosaur
You CAN color your very own dinosaur if you're the winner tomorrow (Sat) morning on Puff Man Sports Trivia! I'll have the, "Color Your Own Dinosaur Postcard Book," up for grabs for the 1st caller in with the correct answer to my sports trivia question. This unique book invites dinosaur enthusiasts of ALL ages to unleash their creativity with 24 blank postcards, each showcasing imaginative renditions of your favorite dinosaurs. You'll love the cool illustrations by paleocartoonist Lucas Petrin. His illustrations not only entertain but also educate, making this postcard book a perfect gift for dinosaur enthusiasts & anyone fascinated by prehistoric life. *For me, I remember most of it." Check out the dinosaur book from Farcountry Press, in Helena, at www.farcountrypress.com, then listen to WIN Saturday morning at 7:30, on Puff Man Sports Trivia!