Flickin’ Sports Trivia Sat Morning
Thanks to University Games, I'll have "go anywhere game," Flickin' Chicken," up for grabs tomorrow (Sat) morning at 7:30, on Puff Man Sports Trivia. "Flickin' Chicken's the play anywhere game...perfect for the backyard, the park, INDOORS, family outings, tailgating, the beach (?) & camping. You gotta' see the video at ugames.com/FlickinChicken, & then be the 1st caller in Saturday morning at 7:30, with the correct answer to my sports trivia question. I might add, besides the target disc & score pad, you'll also receive 4 rubber/plastic chickens in the game...if nothing else on a cold snowy Montana night, it's kind of fun to kick back & flick them around the room or even at the TV if there's a show and/or person on you can't stand. Merry Christmas, from Puff Man Sports Trivia!