Get Ready To RODEO Saturday Morning!
I'm all fired up for Puff Man Sports Trivia tomorrow (Sat) morning at 7:30. I've got the wild & wooly book, "Along Came A Cowgirl; Daring and Iconic Women of the Rodeo & Wild West Shows," by Chris Enss, up for grabs. These wild west rodeo ladies threw caution to the wind as they roped, rode, steer & calf wrestled, shot & lassoed in rodeos as early as 1890. I dare say they could break me in two, & toss me out of the arena! Check out, "Along Came A Cowgirl," from Farcountrypress, at, & then be the 1st person in at 7:30, with the correct answer & WIN the rodeo book. By the way, author Chris Enss, isn't a real cowgirl, but she's a New York Times best-selling author who has been writing about women of the Old West for more than 20 years! Put THAT in your saddle!!