Havre: Wicked Little City
Tomorrow, Saturday morning on Puffman Sports Trivia, I'll have the actioned packed book, "Honky-Tonk Town: Havre, Montana's Lawless Era," up for grabs at 7:30. From its beginning as Bull Hook railroad siding back in 1887, Havre was a tough, tough town. I'm talking saloons, gambling halls, opium dens & brothels lining the streets. Montana historian Gary A. Wilson's come up with a rip roaring page turner of a read. Check the book out from The Globe Pequot Press at: GlobePequot.com, & then listen to WIN at 7:30. I've got a sports trivia question on an American League catching star named Pudge...it rhymes with fudge! My name's Puff, & IT rhymes with "sports stuff." See you Saturday morning at 7:30, on Puffman Sports Trivia...