Peter Franklin, the wacky hacky, the gab man, the driver of the yellow mobile convenience lounge, will be joining me later on this afternoon (Tuesday) on the Puffman Show. Pete's been driving his cab in the streets...or should I say, on the streets of New York City almost as long as I've been a professional radio pronouncer. Mr. Franklin's got an opinion on everything, isn't afraid to speak his mind, and has a great website to boot. It's my understanding that Pete also has a blog much like yours truly, the Puffman, but to be honest with you, I'm always so busy attending to my daily blog, that I don't have the spare time to visit Pete's. Besides, what's he going to say there that he probably won't say on the air this afternoon! Hope you get a chance to tune in around 4:30 and enjoy some of Pete's "True Tales". They're great tales (most of them anyway) and Franklin tells it like it is or at least "the way he thinks it is". Also check out his book (he really did write one) on The name of the book is "Gabby Cabby-The Inside Scoop from New York's Last English-Speaking Cabdriver". I try to read a chapter every night before I retire for the evening. Somehow the events of the previous day seem to make more sense to me when I do. The Gabby Cabby this afternoon at 4:35 on the Puffman Show on Good-As-Gold-KSEN.

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