I'm ready to finish up the book "How It Looks Going Back: Growing Up in the Montana Woods" tonight during Montana History at the Marias Heritage Center. It's all about a girl growing up in the Yaak Valley and personally I'm ready to leave the Yaak and never go back!  It's time to move on and I'm more than ready to start my next book. I think we need a little excitement up at the Heritage Center so I am getting ready to read "A Great Day To Fight Fire, Mann Gulch, 1949". It's the story of sixteen men who ventured into hell (and I don't mean the Yaak) to fight a raging wildfire with only three coming out alive. The author, Mark Matthews, lives in Missoula and is a former wildland firefighter for the U.S Forest Service.  I'm more than anxious to share this story of of the Mann Gulch fire back in 1949 with the residents of Marias Manor. They always make my Tuesday evenings so enjoyable.

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