I Never Promised You A Goodie Bag
That's the name of the new hardcover book I'll be giving away this afternoon (Friday) at 4:30 on the Puffman Show. Jennifer Gilbert is the author and Jennifer's book which, by the way, was just released last month (May 15th) from HarperCollinsPublishers, is subtitled "A Memoir of a Life Through Events, the Ones You Plan and the Ones You Don't" and in it, Jennifer recounts one of the most shocking and significant events in her past--an event she could never have planned for--and one that not even some of her closest friends have been privy to, until now...Jennifer writes "As I lay in the ambulance, I remember the face of the paramedic looking down at me. I thought: I'm going to die. I was 100% certain. I said, "Tell my family I love them." I told myself that I had lived a good life". It's a riveting read and I invite you to tune in at 4:30 and play Puffman Musical Trivia for your chance to win this beautiful and brave memoir from a true survivor!