IF U Care
Right now is the most exciting, most dangerous, & most important time to be alive in all of human history. Our current environmental crises, most notably, climate change, calls on US to upgrade to a new way of life that will sustain us AND our world far into the future. That's what Environmental Engineer Ellen Moyer, PhD. says, & tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 7:30 on Puffman Sports Trivia, I have her NEW book up for grabs. PhD. Moyer wrote this book, her 3rd, to empower & inspire readers to accelerate our urgently needed global transformation. The book is, "Our Earth, Our Species, Our Selves: How to THRIVE While Creating a SUSTAINABLE WORLD,." with a foreword by Dr. Mark Hyman, MD. Me? I'll be 'INSPIRING" our listeners with a sports trivia question pertaining to the Olympic decathlon! PLUS, I'll be doing my show tomorrow morning in the dark with the studio lights turned off! How's that? Check the book from GREENVIRONMENT at: www.ellenmoyerphd.com, & then listen to WIN "Our Earth, Our Species, Our Selves" on MY Puffman Sports Trivia Saturday morning at 7:30.