It Wasn’t The “Usual” Journey
The compelling anthology, No Ordinary Journey, delves into the lives of our pioneer men who embarked on the arduous overland trails during the mid 19th century. They were seeking adventure, prosperity & a new life in the promising west. "ME?" I'll be "seeking" out the correct answer on Puff Man Sports Trivia, Saturday (tomorrow) morning at 7:30, when I'll have the book up for grabs. In fact, the1st caller in with the correct answer to my sports trivia question will WIN" the book, "No Ordinary Journey: Stories of Men on the Overland Trails," beautifully written by Montana author, Mary Barmeyer O'Brien. Check out this riveting read from Farcountry Press, in Helena, at, & then listen to WIN Saturday morning on Puff Man Sports Trivia. Westward Ho!