Meet Me On Mars!
I'll be making contact with Mars tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 7:30 on Puffman Sports Trivia. I have a beautiful "coffee table presentation" book, "Mars: Making Contact," & you'll have a chance to WIN the book with the correct answer to my Puffman Sports Trivia question. Rod Pyle's the author & the foreword is by Jim Green, NASA's Planetary Science Division Director. The Red Planet holds an enduring fascination. I've been fascinated with it for years myself since the days when Ralph Kramden was threatening to send Alice straight to the moon. Forget the moon! We're talking Mars these days. Forget the Super Bowl sports trivia question Saturday morning pertains to the Texas Rangers. Check out the book from Carlton Publishing Group, distributed by HarperCollins & then listen to WIN tomorrow morning at 7:30 on Puffman Sports Trivia. It's "Out of this world!"