MT Fun Weekend’s On The Way
And so is Roy Nollkamper...Roy, will be joining me this afternoon(Thurs) at 2:30, on the Puff Man Show, to share some of the cool events & details of Montana Fun Weekend, coming up NEXT weekend, Friday, the 16th, through Sunday, the 18th. In addition to the infamous Wet/Dry Burnout Context, get ready to "start your chairs," there'll be a Lawn Chair Drive-In Movie, & a Fly-in/Drive-in Breakfast too. Burnout contest, autos, cycles, airplanes, drag races & a movie too...we'll be living large next weekend in Cut Bank. For more information on Montana Fun Weekend, next weekend at the Cut Bank International Airport, give Roy, at call at 450 1078/450 6678, or visit nollkamper47@hotmail.com, & tune in this afternoon (Thurs) to hear & learn more about this year's Montana Fun Weekend. Up, up & away...