October 19 is Montana Teen Driver Safety Day
October 17-23 is National Teen Driver Safety Week
HELENA—In observance of Montana Teen Driver Safety Day, State Superintendent of Schools Elsie Arntzen supports Montana parents in talking with their teens about the importance of safety behind the wheel.
“Let’s all remind Montana’s teen drivers about the responsibilities of being a safe driver on our roadways,” Superintendent Elsie Arntzen said. “Together, we need to help young drivers develop the skills and good judgment they need to be safe and respectful drivers. The Office of Public Instruction has resources available to all Montana families entering this milestone in their lives,” Arntzen added.
The OPI Traffic Education Office’s list of resources can inform and inspire parents and teens year-round. To download the Montana-based KEYS Homework guide and driving agreement, GDL driving log, Teen Driver Source practice guide, and watch award-winning videos, click here.
According to data from the Montana Department of Transportation’s State Highway Traffic Safety Section:
- In 2019, a total of 1,219 injuries were reported in Montana that occurred in crashes involving a driver aged 14 – 19.
- In 2020, a total of 1,305 injuries were reported in Montana for crashes involving a driver aged 14 – 19.
- Over the last five years, there have been 145 teen fatalities in Montana.
The 2021 Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) conducted by the Montana Office of Public Instruction found that increases were seen in texting or e-mailing (57%), and apps use (52%) while driving; behaviors in which Montana students already had the highest rates in the nation in 2019.
October 19 was designated as Montana Teen Driver Safety Day by the Montana Legislature to renew the importance of giving the state’s next generation the lifesaving habits they need as good drivers.
For the 2020-2021 school year and 2021 summer programs, 8,358 Montana teens completed a traffic education course.
- Montana Office of Public Instruction -