Your Mission’s To Save Lives
Your Mission’s To Save Lives
Your Mission’s To Save Lives
The Conrad Mission Church, is hosting a blood drive today (Thurs.) They're accepting donors to donate blood today & help save lives. The drive's up & running until 5:15 this afternoon at the church. The Red Cross is ramping up this summer to make sure they can have a quick response to any weather/climate-related disaster that may occur as Summer '24, rolls along in our Golden Triangle....
How Many Football Fields In An Acre?
How Many Football Fields In An Acre?
How Many Football Fields In An Acre?
That could be a good trivia question this afternoon (Thurs) over at the Shelby Senior Center. Their trivia starts at 1, & it's always fun on Trivia Day, at the senior center. By the way, there ae 1.32 football fields in an acre. I may be the Blog Man, but my middle name's still "Sports!"...

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