The Book That Opens Doors
Montel Williams wails, "This is a simple book that opens doors." Montel's jacking his jaws about Jane Bernard's "Fine Tuning; Connecting With Your Inner Power," & I'm putting the book up for grabs this afternoon (Monday) at 4:35 on Puffman Musical Trivia! YOU could be the WINNER if you can come up with the correct answer to my musical trivia question! Wake up & smell the coffee. It's effortless to trust your senses, & your 5 senses are the key to your intuition. "Fine Tuning" connects you with dignity, self-respect, joy, & hope. The only way to predict your future is to create it. Discover your intuition & learn about yourself. Check out Jane Bernard's "Fine Tuning," at: www.FineTuningBook.com & then listen to WIN on Puffman Musical Trivia this afternoon. We'll be going "back to our "Roots" for this afternoon trivia question.. Stay tuned...