It's "The Ultimate Astrological Cookbook" that I'll be giving away this afternoon (Monday) at 4:30 on Puffman Musical Trivia. Joan Porte apparently loves her food just like her astrology: deep, strongly purposeful, balanced by a refreshing wittiness, with a solid dose of not taking herself too seriously. She's put together, "Signs of the Tines", a new breed of cookbook: filled with heart, soul & star wisdom & the 1st caller in this afternoon with the correct answer to Puffman Musical Trivia question WINS this book & it's a BIG book. I looked up my sign, Virgo... & Joan's book is telling me that I should be eating trout with Bok Choy. I have no idea "Who" or "What" Bok Choy is, but I am familiar with Bok Beer! It figures that trout is good for sort of ties in with me being the Executive Producer of the Old Fishing Hole & all. Check out "Signs of the Tines" AND Jean Porte's websites: or: See you later today on Puffman Musical Trivia. As Bob Dylan said, "The TINES...they are a-changing."

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