What Goes Down “MAY” Come UP!
It seems like everyday we learn, hear & read of the toilet paper shortages throughout our country, & it sure hits home right here in Montana. "Some" folks are choosing to use other products that aren't meant to be flushed. I'm talking baby wipes, paper napkins or paper towels.If you're running short on toilet paper & using paper towers or wipes of ANY kind, even those marked "flushable," FORGET ABOUT IT! Your items other than good old regular toilet paper can clog your sewer. Besides causing damage to the poor sewage system & sewage treatment plant & damaging your home or property as well. We're talking big bucks $$$ here too...service lines from your house to the sewer main are YOUR responsibility. Instead of flushing paper towers or wipes or worse, they MUST be thrown in the trash. PLEASE keep your home clean & healthy, remove the trash on a regular basis & place it in a secure garbage bin OUTSIDE!