You Can Start Calling Me “Multisport”
For years, my middle name's always been "Sports." I'll have to redefine that to "Multisport," starting this Saturday. Tomorrow (Sat) morning, at 7:30, on Puff Man Sports Trivia, I'll have up for grabs the all-one-one resource & FIRST handbook ever for multisport athletes! Author Jennifer Strong McConachie, an ultrarunner, mountaineer, marathon swimmer, distance paddler, & multisport athlete, introduces this revolutionary concept of multisport, & how it can help you expand your sporting life. Check out, Go Multisport: Add Fun, Challenge & Exploration to Your World," by Jennifer Strong McConachie, at www.hatherleighpress.com, & then be the 1st caller in with the correct answer to my Puff "Multisport" Man Sports Trivia question, & WIN Jennifer's book. I'm Jerry "Multisport" Puffer, these days...