
A Stunner Of A Cop Novel
A Stunner Of A Cop Novel
A Stunner Of A Cop Novel
That's what the New York Times calls the NEW hardcover book that's up for grabs this afternoon (Monday) at 4:35 on Puffman Musical Trivia. The book is, "The Force," authored by New York Times Bestselling Author of "The Cartel", Don Winslow. Stephen King himself blurbs, "The Force" is mesmerizing, a triumph...
Queens Of The Clouds
Queens Of The Clouds
Queens Of The Clouds
We''ll be reading all about some Montana pioneering aviatrixes this evening (Tuesday) up at the Marias Heritage Center here in Shelby during Montana History. The 1st thing I'm going to do today will be to find out how in the blazes to pronounce the word "aviatrixes...
She Wasn’t A Real Prophet
She Wasn’t A Real Prophet
She Wasn’t A Real Prophet
Not like my hero, Bob Dylan, anyway. I'm blogging about Elizabeth Clare Prophet, the Church Universal & Triumphant & the creation of Utopia in Montana's Paradise Valley. That's what I'll be reading about tonight (Tuesday) during Montana History up at the Marias Heritage Center here in Shelby. It's a...
Montana’s Minnie Spotted Wolf
Montana’s Minnie Spotted Wolf
Montana’s Minnie Spotted Wolf
We'll be reading about Montanan Minnie Spotted Wolf tonight (Tuesday) during Montana History at the Marias Heritage Center here in Shelby. She was the woman who broke the barriers of both race & gender when she enlisted in the Marine Corps Women's Reserve back in July of 1943. Ms...
These Women Built Montana
These Women Built Montana
These Women Built Montana
And they're all in the book we just began reading last week up at the Marias Heritage Center here in Shelby. I'll be there again at 6 tonight (Tuesday) to soldier on with the book, "Beyond Schoolmarms and Madams," from the Montana Historical Society down in Helena...
Schoolmarms & Madams
Schoolmarms & Madams
Schoolmarms & Madams
"Beyond Schoolmarms and Madams: Montana Women's Stories" may very well be the next book on the agenda for Montana History up at the Marias Heritage Center here in Shelby. I'll be there at 6 tonight (Tuesday) to read & share more Montana History at the Heritage. Th...
A Rollicking Magical Tale
A Rollicking Magical Tale
A Rollicking Magical Tale
That's what Kirkus Reviews raves about the NEW hardcopy book just released nationwide last month that's up for grabs tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 7:30 on Puffman SPORTS Trivia. In her spellbinding memoir, "Murder in Matera," New York Times contributor Helene Stapinski transports readers to the heart of Southern Italy to unravel the truth about a murder that changed the course of her fa
Rally 2 The Roundhouse
Rally 2 The Roundhouse
Rally 2 The Roundhouse
Train enthusiasts will be holding rallies tomorrow (Friday) in 25 cities across our country to protest the MAJOR cuts to AMTRAK funding proposed by President Trump in his budget request. 225 cities spanning 23 different states are slated to LOSE ALL passenger railway service if Congress goes along with this trump budget deal...
A Real American Hero
A Real American Hero
A Real American Hero
He's pilot Howard Snyder & tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 7:30 on Puffman Sports Trivia, you'll have a chance to WIN "Shot Down: The true story of pilot Howard Snyder & the crew of the B-17 Susan Ruth." "Shot Down" is author Steve Snyder's compelling true story of our B-17 aircrews that flew, fought, & died over Europe to save a continent from tyranny & oppressi
Thrills Twists & Turns
Thrills Twists & Turns
Thrills Twists & Turns
They're all going to be happening tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 7:30 on Puffman Sports Trivia. I'll have the political thriller, "Erase," by Tom DeWeese up for grabs in the morning. Jay Lehr, Ph.D. from The Heartland Institute says "Erase" may be the MOST important political novel since 1984, Atlas shrugged, Brave New World & State of Fear! In...
It Looks 2 Me
It Looks 2 Me
It Looks 2 Me
It appears to me that we'll be finishing our current book, "When Montana and I Were Young: A Frontier Childhood," tonight (Tuesday) during Montana History at the Heritage. It's been a GREAT read & a remarkable journey for us all. Next up, it's "The roar that sounded like the end of the world"...w...
B There B Aware
B There B Aware
B There B Aware
The Shelby School District is presenting Detective Slaughter speaking on the potential DANGERS that exist for your child on the internet this evening (Monday) over at the Shelby High School Auditorium. You MUST be 21 or older to attend tonight's 6:30 presentation...

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